Jackson Davis PTA

a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Jackson Davis PTA - a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Carnival and Elections

Spring Carnival is Friday, May 6! There are still volunteer slots available for items and your time. If you’re interested, please use this SignUp Genius link  Our Silent Auction goes live Friday, April 29 and will be in-person during the carnival. Use this link to bid!
Elections will be held for the 2022-23 PTA Executive Board on May 10th at 6pm during our Executive Committee Meeting. Your voice counts! If you would like to partake in the voting process, please come to the meeting in the library.
Also during our May meeting, special guests will be joining us at both the Executive Committee Meeting and the General Board Meeting. County representatives will be giving a brief overview and answering questions relating to the bond referendum that we will vote on in November for the rebuild of Jackson Davis! If you have any questions or would like to find out more information, email jdespta@gmail.com

Dolphin Fund

Our annual Dolphin Fund Drive is just around the corner!
Mark your calendar for our biggest fundraiser, a direct donation drive. Our drive will last for two weeks and begin February 14th. Stay tuned for more information about ways to donate, prizes, and more!

Open House!

The PTA is excited to welcome you all back to the school for Open House! Details for timing have been sent from Mrs. Bonner, please let her know if you didn’t receive those specifics. There will be two tables set up with members from the PTA to answer any of your questions. Classroom maps will be provided when you arrive and someone will be happy to help you find your child’s classroom. On the back of the map will be our September newsletter, make sure to check it out! At each table, we will be selling yearbooks from last year and previous years, “vintage” spirit wear and some more fun knick knacks! If you join the PTA, you’ll get some prize items! We will have fliers for our new Coming Together program that we hope you will join, along with a MemberHub flier to join the PTA. There will be a PTA member with a computer that can help you navigate the website or facebook page while you’re there. You’ll also be able to find the link to the Coming Together program under the Parent Resources tab and the link to join the PTA under the Become a Member tab. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions!
Welcome back, Happy Campers! We can’t wait to hike through this year with you!
Wishing you all the best for an amazing school year- Rachel Kelly, PTA President rachelkinseykelly@gmail.com

2021-22 School Year

Welcome to the Jackson Davis PTA’s website! We are glad you found us here and hope you’ll take time to explore. We’ll post updates throughout the year below and we hope you will follow along on our journey this year!

Dolphin Fund 2020-21

The annual Dolphin Fund is our largest fundraiser of the school year. In past years, the Dolphin Fund drive began in the fall. With the virtual start to the 2020-21 school year, we have postponed the drive until the spring. However, donations for Dolphin Fund are accepted all year. 100% of funds raised directly benefits our students. If you would like to donate online, you can make a payment through Pay Pal (the link is located to the right on the home page) or you may send a check to the school addressed to Jackson Davis Elementary School PTA.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Jackson Davis PTA Tax ID – 54-1523796

PTA Membership 2020-21

I hope your school year is off to a good start, and thank you to all of our teachers and administrators for their hard work. More information will be coming from me in the coming days about PTA related news as we kick off this school year. Due to our virtual start, our PTA store sponsored by Member Hub is now open for PTA memberships. Memberships are $5 per family and the website charges an additional $0.68 processing fee. PTA dues go toward local, district, state, and national PTA which ultimately helps our students and helps us at the local level as well. Each year, we strive for a 75% membership rate.
The Member Hub store link below will take you to the online membership form. Thank you for your support.


Dolphin Fund 2019-2020

JDESdolphinOur annual 2-week Dolphin Fund is in full swing! Students should have received envelopes to collect donations to our fund.

Please help JDES reach our goal of raising $14,000! Ask family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and share our website for online donations. Remember, 100% of all funds raised stay right here at Jackson Davis and are tax-deductible.

Check back often throughout the next two weeks to see how close we are to meeting our goal!

The Dolphin Fund will last until September 26th, however donations are accepted and welcomed all year!

Back to School Night

Back to School night is this Thursday, September 12th from 6:00-7:15.

-More information will be coming home from school about this event.

-PTA will have a table set up in or neat the cafeteria building beginning at 5:45.  You will have the opportunity to join PTA if you want/need to

-We will also have spirit wear for sale.

-Feel free to just stop by and say hello and ask any questions you may have.