Jackson Davis PTA

a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Jackson Davis PTA - a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Open House 2019

Welcome back Dolphins!

Open house is Thursday August 29, 2019 from 12:30-2:30.

This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, fill out any paperwork, and drop off school supplies.

Don’t forget to stop by the PTA table and ask how you can support our school!

2019-20 PTA Board Slate of Officers

On May 14, 2019, the following officers were elected to the PTA Board:
Jennifer Lumpkin, President
Chase Harvey, Treasurer
Kristy Brown, Secretary
Angie Allen, 1st VP Cultural Arts
Leanne Forbes, 2nd VP Ways & Means
Cabell Harvey, 3rd VP Room Parents
Courtney Phillips, 4th VP Membership


The PTA Board looks forward to a wonderful 2019-20 school year!

Thanks to all for a great Spring Carnival & Silent Auction

Thanks to everyone who came out to support the Spring Carnival and Silent Auction! We had a beautiful day and hope you had fun. A huge shout-out and THANK YOU to the Carnival and Auction Committee Members who made these events possible: Autumn Shrock, Naba Alkhalisi, Missy Murchie, Stephanie Clark, Stephanie Jenks, Kathie Bean, Talya Tacosa, Leanne Forbes, and Leslie Parpart. A special thank you to our food sponsors for their generous donations: Kroger, Wegmans, Trader Joe’s, Costco, Wayforth, and Johnny & Katrina Giavos Restaurants. We also thank the many parent and teacher volunteers….especially those teachers who sat for the Balloon Drop! (Check out Mrs. Bonner getting soaked below!)

balloon bonner

Habitat for Humanity Service Project Update

During the spring celebration, our classes completed a service project for Habitat for Humanity. Thanks to the generosity of our families and the talent of our students we were able to provide 200 water bottles with messages of thanks, 200 snack bags, 2 recipe books, and TONS of cards for the Habitat for Humanity volunteers. Thanks for helping JDES “Be the Change.” Check out the picture below from when the donations were delivered!

HH donations

the Voice- Virginia PTA Updates

The Virginia PTA sends a newsletter called “the Voice” monthly. You can access this newsletter on the Virginia PTA website. The newsletter this month highlights some of the PTA’s advocacy efforts as the General Assembly and notifies members about a potential $1.50 increase to membership dues. Please access these hyperlinks to check out the Voice newsletters from 2019 and the supporting documents about the potential membership dues increase. Join us at a PTA meeting or email any board members if you have questions.

Recruiting for the 2019-20 JDES PTA Board

Interested in becoming more involved in the Jackson Davis PTA for the 2019-20 school year? We would love to have you join our Executive Board.  The board meets monthly and the roles vary in time commitment and responsibility. Joining the Executive Board is a great way to stay connected to the school and meet other families.  Please take a look and contact the current chairperson if you are interested in potentially taking that role or learning more information!  New roles begin after the May PTA meeting.

Role Description


Interested? Contact Christina at christinavitek@yahoo.com


Preside at all meetings, coordinate the work of the officers and committees in order that the purposes may be promoted, submit the local officers’ contact information form and verification of the EIN to the Virginia PTA, perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the bylaws, serve as an ex-efficio member of all committees except the nominating committee.


Interested? Contact Lou at


Receives the cash receipts of the PTA, keeps accurate records of receipts and expenditures, makes bank deposits and reconciles accounts monthly, ensures that there are cash “banks” for PTA events, and produces checks and disperses funds as authorized by the PTA and the approved budget.  The Treasurer presents a statement of account at every meeting of the PTA and at other times when requested by the PTA Board and makes a full report at the annual meeting.


Interested? Contact Autumn at capri20marie@gmail.com

Record the minutes of all meetings, keep the official copy of the local PTA bylaws in his/her files, maintain a membership list as required by Virginia PTA, perform other delegated duties as assigned. Share minutes with the board and seek approval of minutes from the general membership each month
1st VP Cultural Affairs


Interested? Contact Missy at murchiefamily@yahoo.com

Serve as coordinator and contact presiding over all activities promoted by the PTA with the intent to offer community events/services for the good of the school community (i.e. Art Night, Reflections, One Book One School, etc.). Serve as ex-efficio of all committees included under Cultural Affairs.  Act as aide to the president, perform the duties of the president in the absence of inability of the officer to act.
2nd VP Ways & Means


Interested? Contact Jennifer at jennylump@gmail.com

Serve as coordinator and contact presiding over all fundraising activities and events promoted by the PTA. Serve as ex-efficio of all committees included under Cultural Affairs.  Act as aide to the president, perform the duties of the president in the absence of inability of the President or 1st VP officer to act.
In School Enrichment


Interested? Contact Missy at murchiefamily@yahoo.com



Serve as the primary contact and coordinator of all in-school assemblies/activities funded by the PTA including but not limited to author visits and One Book One School. Work collaboratively with school personnel to offer ideas and support booking for events. Manage the budget to ensure funds are appropriately spent to support in-school enrichment activities for all students
Bingo Night


Interested? Contact Jennifer at jennylump@gmail.com

Serve as the primary contact for organization of the Family Fun (Bingo Night) including advertising, ticket sales, prize purchase, volunteer solicitation and management of the one-night event.
Carnival: Games


Interested? Contact Naba at Khalisi7888@gmail.com

Serve as the primary contact and coordinator of the carnival games (games, hair coloring/temporary tattoos, etc.) at the spring carnival, including set-up, signs, provision of prizes, and management of the games on the day of the event. Serve on the Spring Carnival committee and complete duties as requested.
Silent Auction


Interested? Contact Leanne at ltiptonjdespta@gmail.com

Silent auction lead coordinates solicitation and collection of donations (business, individual, and teacher/school); publicizes event through social media and classroom flyers; coordinates and organizes pricing of donations; facilitates silent auction day (auction prep, auction, auction close-out, winner notification and pickup); and completes financial deposits and summary.
Book Fair


Interested? Contact Alli at allibond@gmail.com

Serve as the primary contact and coordinator of Book Fairs (fall & spring). Work with vendor and school to set-up and manage the Book Fair. Advertise and solicit volunteers to set-up, break-down, and run the event.
Papa Johns


Interested? Contact Erin at ebrettig@henrico.k12.va.us

Serve as the primary contact and coordinator of all fundraising events with Papa John’s, including Teaching Delivery Night. Promote Dough for Dollars Program, by encouraging the use of the code DOLPHINS when ordering pizza. Promoting can be done by flyers, social media, school-wide contests, etc. Schedule a fall date for Teacher Delivery Night and coordinate advertising and organization of this one-night event which involves keeping in close contact with the teachers by encouraging them to participate, keeping them in the loop on orders as they come in, and by organizing a small teacher appreciation breakfast the following morning after TDN.
Box Tops/Kroger/Publix


Interested? Contact Vicki at vickiswanson1@gmail.com

Serve as the primary contact and coordinator of the BoxTops, Kroger, and Publix fundraising programs. Identify collection dates and class/student rewards for BoxTops and submit returned BoxTops to the company. Ensure completion of required paperwork for BoxTops, Kroger, and Publix. Advertise fundraising efforts.
5th Grade Activities


Interested? Contact Shannon at schehouri@gmail.com

Plan and coordinate volunteers and food for the 5th Grade Play, the 5th Grade Social (including decorations), and the 5th Grade Moving-On Ceremony.
HCCPTA County Council Delegate


Interested? Contact Leslie at mlparpart@gmail.com

Act as liaison between the Henrico County Council and the PTA.  Attend HCCPTA meetings. Periodic reports to the PTA are required.
Legislative Affairs


Interested? Contact Christina at christinavitek@yahoo.com

The Virginia PTA is a very active, vital lobby in the General Assembly. The input and vote of the representatives of the local PTA’s determine the position taken by the PTA. Our Legislative Committee Chairman will watch the issues before the State PTA and keep you informed of resolutions being considered
Communication Coordinator


Interested? Contact Christina at christinavitek@yahoo.com

Posts and responds to Facebook and the webpage consistently, sharing upcoming PTA news and events. Assists with email and paper communication to families.
Volunteer Coordinator


Interested? Contact Christina at christinavitek@yahoo.com

Contacts, recruits and schedules volunteers, as needed, for PTA activities, at the request of Committee Chairman
Assistant Yearbook Chair


Interested? Contact Monica at moppers23@gmail.com

Assist the Senior Chair with planning and organizing all areas of the School Yearbook. This includes collecting photographs, lay out, planning and designing of the yearbook with the intent to take on the Senior Chair role the following year. The chairs also sends out order forms, records and verifies payments received and delivers the yearbooks near the end of the school year.

Back to School Night & Proposed Items

Thursday, September 13th is Back to School Night! Back to School Night will last from 6-7 pm with two sessions offered. Expect to hear more about this from your child’s teacher and school administration.

The first JDES PTA General Membership Meeting will begin at 6pm and be broadcast to your child’s classroom. Important information will be shared and members will be asked to vote on a number of items. Please review the items posted below and be prepared to vote on these on Thursday.

  • Approval of General Meeting minutes from May 2018 meeting
  • Approval of completed Audit for the 17-18 school year
  • Approval of the proposed Budget for the 2018-19 school year
  • Approval of proposed legislation from the Virginia PTA regarding 4 new position statements.

Stop by the PTA tables in the cafeteria beginning at 5:30 to join the PTA! See you then.

Welcome Back Dolphins!

Welcome back, Jackson Davis Dolphins!

We are so excited to begin another school year. 2018-19 is going to be fantastic! The theme at Jackson Davis is “Be the Change” so expect the hear lots about community service and giving back embedded in our PTA events.

The PTA has lots of events planned this year. Check out our yearlong calendar here. We hope you will join us often!

Please join the PTA! As always we strive for 100% membership which is 1 adult per student in the school. Cost is $5 per adult and you can complete the membership form here and return it along with cash or check.

We love volunteers. Here is a list of our board members. If you want to help with an event, please contact the person in charge. If you would like to join the PTA board, please email christinavitek@yahoo.com

Open House is Thursday, August 30th from 12:30-2:30. Please stop by the PTA tables to join, browse spirit wear, and snap a photo with the Dolphin who will be present from 1pm-2pm.

We look forward to a great year!


HCPS seeks new Superintendent: Info Session 2/26

Our School Board Representative, Micky Ogburn and the PTSA at Tucker High School invites you, your principals and your membership to a meeting in our magisterial district to discuss the selection of our new Henrico County School Superintendent.  The details are:

Monday, February 26
Tucker High School