Jackson Davis PTA

a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Jackson Davis PTA - a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Welcome Back Dolphins!

Welcome back, Jackson Davis Dolphins!

We are so excited to begin another school year. 2018-19 is going to be fantastic! The theme at Jackson Davis is “Be the Change” so expect the hear lots about community service and giving back embedded in our PTA events.

The PTA has lots of events planned this year. Check out our yearlong calendar here. We hope you will join us often!

Please join the PTA! As always we strive for 100% membership which is 1 adult per student in the school. Cost is $5 per adult and you can complete the membership form here and return it along with cash or check.

We love volunteers. Here is a list of our board members. If you want to help with an event, please contact the person in charge. If you would like to join the PTA board, please email christinavitek@yahoo.com

Open House is Thursday, August 30th from 12:30-2:30. Please stop by the PTA tables to join, browse spirit wear, and snap a photo with the Dolphin who will be present from 1pm-2pm.

We look forward to a great year!


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